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Engineering & Prototyping

CAD engineering   CAD engineering

Our “Engineering CAD & Prototyping” services play a pivotal role in refining product designs and bringing them to life as part of our comprehensive 8-step process for custom product development. This phase is where ideas and concepts are transformed into precise, functional designs, tested through engineering analysis, and validated through hands-on prototypes.


CAD Design and Engineering Analysis


The design refinement process begins with advanced Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software, where our engineering team meticulously develops digital models of the product concept. Using 3D CAD tools, we transform initial sketches and ideas into highly detailed models, capturing every aspect of the product’s geometry, mechanics, and functionality. This step ensures that the product not only meets design specifications but is also optimized for manufacturing.


Our engineering analysis focuses on ensuring structural integrity, material suitability, and design feasibility. If the product calls for it, we can conduct simulations such as stress testing, thermal analysis, and motion studies to identify and resolve potential issues early in the development process. This helps us fine-tune the design to optimize performance while minimizing production costs and potential risks.

Prototype Production


Once the CAD model has been refined and approved, we move into the prototype production phase. We offer a range of prototyping services, depending on the product’s complexity and the client’s needs. Whether through 3D printing, CNC machining, or more rudimentary processes like simple handmade sampling techniques, our goal is to create a tangible version of the product that can be tested, analyzed, and further refined.


Prototypes allow clients to physically interact with their product, offering a real-world representation of what was initially developed in CAD. This tangible model provides invaluable insights into the product’s form, function, and user experience.

Prototype Analysis and Testing


Following the creation of prototypes, we conduct thorough analysis and testing to evaluate the product’s performance against the design specifications. This phase allows us to test the product’s durability, functionality, and ergonomics in real-world scenarios. Our team collects data from these tests to make necessary adjustments to the design, ensuring the final product meets all technical and functional requirements.


Prototype feedback is vital, as it provides a hands-on opportunity for both the development team and the client to assess whether the product performs as intended. Any necessary revisions are made, and the design is further optimized for manufacturing.


In addition to prototyping, we also provide Design for Manufacturing (DFM) services to ensure that the product is optimized for large-scale production. Our DFM process evaluates the industrial tooling design needed for mass production of the final product. Emphasis is on proper manufacturing methods needed for each production method chosen to minimize costs and streamline production, while ensuring that the final product maintains its design integrity and quality standards.


By the end of this phase, our clients have a fully refined design and validated prototype, ready to move forward into full production, bringing their custom product one step closer to market.

Optimizing product design, testing, and manufacturing efficiency.

CAD Accuracy

Ensure precise product geometry, mechanics, and functionality during the initial design phase using advanced CAD tools for detailed modeling and design optimization.

Design Intergity

Perform engineering analysis, including simulations like stress testing and thermal analysis, to guarantee the product’s durability and manufacturing feasibility.

Prototype Analysis

Develop and test physical prototypes through 3D printing or CNC machining to assess product form, function, and user experience, making necessary adjustments based on real-world feedback.

Design for Manufacturing

(DFM) Evaluate manufacturing methods and tooling to ensure the design is optimized for large-scale production, minimizing costs while maintaining quality and design integrity.